Healthy tips

vegan mens gifts

Top Vegan Father’s Day Gifts

Wondering what vegan Father’s Day gifts are out there? Is your dad vegan, or are you vegan and want to make sure the gifts you give are also cruelty-free? Don’t stress because you aren’t certain what is and isn’t vegan. Here are some items you shouldn’t gift a vegan. If you’re behind on getting that…

Transcend Your Way Into Spring Through Kapha Balancing

  The climate is warming up, the ice is melting, and the sunlight is returning. In the ayurvedic system of health every season has a dosha, or set of qualities, associated with it. Winter, governed by Vata dosha, has been cold, dry and dark. When the sun lingers longer, the ground thaws and mud heralds…
natural remedies for kids

Our Top Choices on Natural Remedies for Children

It is important to all parents to make sure their children are healthy and safe.  Unfortunately, we can’t always avoid the upset stomach or the inevitable sore throat.  A parent’s instinct is to help ease their child’s discomfort.  With all the many medications, pills and lab-made ointments, choosing the best option can be difficult.  Sometimes…
yoga practice Tsi-La organics

The Unique Benefits Using Yoga and Aromatherapy

In today’s world, speed and maximum return is the common goal.  Unfortunately, many people forget that this drains our body on a physical level and spiritual level.  This is one reason yoga and meditation practice has grown so much in the western culture.  Forcing your mind and body to take a moment for reflection is…

Healthy, Organic Solutions for Dry Skin

Now that the weather is getting darker and colder as we move closer to winter, many of us are back to facing the seasonal struggle of dry skin. Between the biting cold in the air during the winter and the drying effects of indoor heat, fall and winter can wreak havoc on our skin. The…

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