Tsi-La: Our Fall Detox Bath Recipe! – Essential Oil Detox Bath

Did you know that essential oils that have the ability to detoxify your system? And here’s the best part….
You can use them in a warm bath to effortlessly cleanse your system!
For our Detox Bath, you’ll need:
6 drops of Lavender Oil
6 drops of Sweet Orange Oil
2 drops of Geranium Oil
2 drops of Rosemary Oil
2 drops of Juniper Oil
2 1/2 cups of Dead Sea salt and
a large bowl
Combine the essential oils (outlined above) with 2 1/2 cups of Dead Sea salt and mix well in a large a bowl. Draw a hot bath for yourself and slowly add the mixture to the tub. Next…
Do your body brushing routine. Be sure to use long, sweeping motions while brushing your entire body. Begin at your feet and move upward – always in the direction of your heart for the best results. Finally…
Soak in the hot tub! Relax and enjoy.
Take Care,