organic fragrances

Ingredient Spotlight: Frankincense Natural Beauty and Old World Luxury

Frankincense has been used for centuries by people for its aromatherapy and its natural beauty benefits.  The word Frankincense originates from the French word “Franc,” meaning pure or sacred, and the Latin word “incense,” meaning smoke.  Egyptian Pharaohs have been known to use this legendary oil in skincare and beauty rituals.  But why was this…

Need Something Super? Blueberry Extract

Why Blueberry Extract? Blueberries are not only superfoods, but they also have topical benefits for your skin and hair.  The benefits for the skin are the very reason we chose to use blueberry extract in making our all-natural vegan oils.  Blueberries are loaded with vitamin A.  Vitamin A reduces wrinkles, minimizes dark spots, and other…
yoga practice Tsi-La organics

The Unique Benefits Using Yoga and Aromatherapy

In today’s world, speed and maximum return is the common goal.  Unfortunately, many people forget that this drains our body on a physical level and spiritual level.  This is one reason yoga and meditation practice has grown so much in the western culture.  Forcing your mind and body to take a moment for reflection is…

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